Coffee-Laundry place Cafe "Stirka 40 degree» is one of the most agile artistic places in Saint-Petersburg.
Most of Stirka’s clientele are foreign students, although all kinds of young people, from Russian students to rock musicians and DJs drop by for a drink, to meet friends and to attend an occasional music or art event. Stirka’s regulars even include a few babushkas who live in the next buildings on the Kayanskaya street and come to do their washing frequently. Robert Plant’s drummer Clive Deamer who stayed at upscale hotel Astoria when the ex-Led Zeppelin singer came to perform his one-off Russian concert in April 2004 dropped by Stirka to wash some of his belongings for unknown reasons. He left a message in the guestbook asking us to bring his stuff to his suite at the Astoria because he was in a hurry. But when he was told that we don’t have such a service, he came back himself the next day and gave a few tickets to Plant’s show to our staff.